
Blue tick Coonhound
I always wanted a dog with BIG droopy ears and always thought I’d have a black and tan coon hound. One day my husband was picking up supplies at the Anderson Family Pet center and a foster mom came in with George. He was so strikingly beautiful Geoff called me instantly to come check him out. After a LONG arduous process (and now I know completely proper) over a couple of months we were allowed to adopt him. This was during the beginning of the big depression, it was assumed he was full bred dog that just wouldn’t hunt and dropped in the middle of Hamilton. At first he was timid to the point of trembling around more that 3 people but lots of love and dog park and socialization time and that disappeared in about 6 months. Then boy what a lover! And what wonderful baying we were told could be heard from Otto Armleder up the hill to Mt Lookout! It took me a long time to figure out the marking on the top of his head, I always assumed it was a misshapen heart, then one day as a (now retired) gynecologist I saw it. Look at his photo, can you see it?! Dr. Larson could see it. That’s when I knew for sure he was a dog meant for me. He was a gentleman and loveable gentle giant. When he leaned on you, you knew it. Will miss him always.
Submitted by: Kate Hewitt