How much should I feed my adult dog?
A good rule of thumb for a healthy adult dog is a 1/2 cup of dry food twice daily for every 20 pounds of body weight. It is recommended that adult dogs get fed twice daily. Adjust if the dog is gaining or losing weight on that amount of food per day.
How much should I feed my adult cat?
A good rule of thumb for a healthy cat is 1/2 to 3/4 cups of food per day for every 10 pounds of body weight. Adjust if the cat is gaining or losing weight on that amount of food.
What is the normal temperature for a dog or cat?
100.8 – 102 is a normal temperature for a dog or cat.
How long does it take after the pet is exposed to a virus, such as parvo or kennel cough to show symptoms?
It typically takes 7-10 days after the pet is exposed to a virus to show symptoms.